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MEETING UP WITH - Tess Whitfort

Updated: Nov 7, 2019

Sustainable Design Thinking Talk:

Source : Author's Photograph

Hello readers,

Im Back!!! As I promise in my last blog post, I will share to you the first event that I went which is Sustainable Design Thinking Talk. If you have read my blog post for awhile you must have idea of much Im into sustainable thingy. Well I got to be honest with you, that starting to be a sustainable person is damn hard. But I’ve tried, and I feel that I need more information about these “Sustainable” thingy so here I am, in the first Melbourne Fashion Week Program: Sustainable Design thinking talk

The tittle of this event is “ Zero Waste Design” the speaker for this talk will be Tess Whitfort. She is a Melbourne based sustainable designer that started her career in a fashion design school, She also the winner of the MFW student designer Award in 2017, and recently she got her award in International Redress Design. She is famous for her zero waste technique, by using a complex technique that make sure the designer can use all the textile that they have to create such an amazing clothes.

On this event, we need to pay $20 AUD. We get some snacks, and a reusable coffee cup. Before the event we chat with some of the people there, and just doing some introduction. One of the thing this talk considered not worth it. Doesn’t really have any connection with the speaker or whatsoever, is just that our class is a fashion marketing and we don’t really know how to draw a pattern, so when she explaining about pattern we got lost.

Tess Whitfort Source:

Move on, Tess Whitfort was explaining about her incredible techniques. What I mean with incredible is Incredibly DIFFICULT and it looks years for her to study this pattern. Here is the pictures of the pattern that she used to create her collection in International Redress Design.

Source: Author's Photograph

Now you guys know, why I have lost my brain connection. BECAUSE!!!! YES HER PATTERN IS SUPERB DIFFICULT. I feel only her will understand what’s going on, and how to create the clothes, with such a pattern.

The thing that I like about this talk is, it give me different perspective of how the fashion industry trying to save the environment through using a difficult pattern or using recyclable material to create a clothes. It's a big steps, and I feel In the future the industry can develop such technology to support this sustainable products. Tess is only of young designer who did her part in this world, and her movement in this fashion industry can bring a big impact to the fashion field. There is one of her quotes that I feel suit with me.

“Badasses can wear ethical clothing too.
Environmental issues are going to affect us all.”

So it doesn’t matter who you are, and where are you come from, it will affect us in many way. It has started, and we need to start stopping it. Well, I hope in this blog you get a different information about pattern design.

For more information about Tess Whitfort you can follow her on Instagram @tess.whitfort. She also just launched her own brand called Pendulum, for more you can check her brand Instagram in @pendulum.studios. Pendulum collection


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