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What is Green is the New black ?

Hello readers,

Unapologetic girl is back!!!

Sustainability industry is really stepping up their game!

On this blog I want to share you about GREEN IS THE NEW BLACK


What is Green is the new black?

It’s a platform to help people realise we can help the world to be a better place.

On 2rd -3rd November 2019 they held a conscious festival, GITB organise a festival that promoting all the sustainable local industry to help empowering people with the knowledge of sustainability and they hope people can take positive action with coming and supporting this festival.

For more information you can click their website:

On this particular event, our class and school have the opportunity to support this event by creating a sustainable poster, with such powerful message. We created a A1 poster that represent our collaboration and the lifestyle consciousness.

We create 4 poster that we took and made by ourself.

First is face and plastic bottle that represent how many plastic bottle that we used on daily Jeans and the hand it represent how many toxic chemical that the industry used to create a jeans Bottle and the shoes it represent that we can support sustainability by buying recycling product Consumerism, it represent how we as a consumer buy something that unnecessary and become a waste

So, on my next blog will talking about the behind the scenes of how we created the project, and how we come up with the idea.

I will see you on my next blog! Can’t wait!!!


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