Hello readers,
Unapologetic girl is back!!!
On this blog I will share to you about my degree life…
I require to create a business plan, and we need to create something that almost 100% sustainable.
This blog will explain about my journey of how I came up with such brilliant idea *just saying*
well, it started when I realise that Im going to graduate within 6 more months
My lecturer explains all the requirement, and this whole idea started when we create a mind map.
This mind map basically just explaining about your hobbies, what’s unique about you and etc.
So what’s unique about me?
Im Chinese born in Indonesia, from Central Java. *My face does not look like Chinese at all* why? Let’s come back to 50+ years ago *I think, Im so bad with math* before this project I have 2 weeks break, so I go back to Yogyakarta. My home town, then me and my family visit one of our relatives house, and at that house I saw a family threes. Weirdly enough it shows that our blood have a Javanese kingdom blood.
I know this before, but I didn’t expect that my family have a direct relation with a Javanese Empire. :) I was exited but it’s scary too. I will explain to you what I mean with these.
Started with the first Empire - 1200 bc: Singosari Kingdom by Ken Arok and Ken Dedes (The queen and The King), Second Empire 1300bc, Majapahit Kingdom and the last one Mataram Empire, 1500 until now. This three empire is part of my blood, ohohoho so coolll
Long story short, I’m the 5rd generation of the family. My great great great great grand mother R.NGT kawiyah was a daughter from Mataram Kingdom. Her dad is Pakubuwono VI and her mom was a mistress. Then she married with a Chinese, I don’t know his name, and have a children my family called him with “Kong Jendral” or grandpa major. He married with a prince Diponegoro related family. Which we called it Trah Gagatan. The family still exist until now. It such a BIG HISTORICAL STORY FOR SURE!!! THEY HAVE THE BOOK BTW . Its not me creating a imaginal story here
So move on, Im unique because I have natural curly hair. Then I mixed this two idea together, I created a natural hair care product using traditional oils and representing my Javanese culture.
Well is it hard to create this business plan?
I would say this time, I quite enjoy doing all these research. Because I know this product will be great, and I make it by myself. Even all the packaging I research it and visit all the supplier by myself. The main purpose for this project is not only get the high mark, but I want to create something that unique and representing my heritage and my uniqueness, I hope that people especially women can feel proud about their uniqueness. So I hope by creating this business plan I can share those message to the world.
That’s all for this blog! It’s quite interesting how I came up with my business plan.
I hope its worth it!
I hope I can show my heritage to the world,
I hope people can see uniqueness in every one,
I hope I can help the world by creating this sustainable product.
Well I see you on my next blogs!!