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Green is The New Black Exhibition; Photoshoot

Hello readers,

Unapologetic girl is back!!!

As I promise on this blog I will talk about behind the scenes of creating the GITB poster exhibition.

First we started with choosing type of exhibition that are waste free and unique. After some consideration we decided to create a poster. If you wondering about the poster theme you can read it again on my last post.

After that, we started the photoshoot day with preparing the waste clothes and plastic waste, we got all the clothes from fashion pulpit. If you don’t know about fashion pulpit you can read my other post about them.

We bring two big bags of clothes and then we arrange all the clothes in school, there are lots of trial and error. I got to say that creating waste to an art is really hard, you need to have such an imagination to make it interesting, we have tried to make it like

Source: Author's Photograph

Source: Author's Photograph

But it doesn’t look nice, so decided to use a light box from jewellery class. Well it doesn’t look amazingly different. But after I edit some of the pictures the photos started to look more alive and interesting, I edit most of the pictures in light room, I adjust the colour and add more texture on the picture to make it more interesting.

Source: Author's Photograph

Creating such an amazing picture with short time is such amazing experiences, for me pressure will give you new ideas and push you to think out of the box without you noticing. One thing that I notice during this project is that is really hard to find a plastic bottle in here, most of it already recycled and in our school there are no plastic waste at all, even if they have its only 2-3 bottles in the whole school.

I’m quite surprise with these fact tho, so maybe people do change.

Maybe its not really hard to change our lifestyle too.

For more pictures you can check it on my social media & portfolio blogs

Hope we can create a better and sustainable place in the future.

Well I will see you later on my next blog!!!



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