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Self Development: My Personal SWOT

Representing human weakness and strength
Source: Author's Photograph

Hello readers,

Unapologetic girl is back!!!

You must be wondering, why on my last three post I keep posting about my personal development. Well the point is I want to show you that even every one can change, We can change to be a better person if we allow that. So on this post I want to encourage and motivate you to understand your SWOT.

What is personal SWOT? Is a framework that help you to analysis your strengths and weakness *OMG THATHA it sounds so boring*

Well believe me it is not, SWOT will helps you to focus on your strength, and minimise your weakness, these are the weapon that you need to develop yourself, let’s start.

Strengths: I realise my strength when I got to experiences a lots of up and down in my diploma and degree, So here we go

  • Communication

  • Leadership

  • Flexibility

  • Ability to work in the group

  • Project Management

  • Honesty

  • Good with talking

  • I can listen to other people’s opinion

Weakness: I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety, accepting that helps me to embracing more strength that I have. You can use your weakness as a weapon to boost your strength

  • Lack of motivation *Sometimes*

  • Creativity

  • Impatient

  • Taking too many risks

  • Lack in Accounting Skills

  • Not really good with Design

  • Being too helpful for others

  • Ignorant

  • Heartless *Sometimes*

Threats: threats are outside factors that possibly can affect your future

  • There are a lots of fashion business student

  • Doesn’t really feel click with the group mates

  • The technology going faster, and you need to keep up with it

  • Singapore fashion is dying.

  • There is no more fashion show in Singapore

Opportunity: I hope there will be lots of opportunity for a fresh graduate out there, not about the money but more about the experiences.

  • A lots of connection and network that can help me in the future

  • Fashion Industry is growing

  • Sustainable industry become popular

  • Other Country such as Melbourne have a huge fashion industry

  • Lots of new fashion niche are started to grows

Okay why I just post my SWOT on my last term in degree? Well because I want to discover more about myself. *Which I did* This analysis is important, to check how much your growth.

Did I grow? Yes I am

How can you manage all your works? Because I’m focusing on what I want and my goals

How to keep your focus still? Reminds your goals every time you lose it, remember the reason why you’re here.

I don’t really sure why people keep complaining about how much works that they have

*I mean I’m complaining too* But in the end of the day, the only person who know you is yourself, and SWOT is one of the platform that can help you to discover that.



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