Hello readers,
Unapologetic girl is back
Have you read my last two blog post? If haven’t you better check the blog now!
Check these link:
For my last two blogs, I was talking about what the things that I need to prepare for the photoshoot, and for this blog I will talk about the product placement and the behind the scene of the pictures.
Well a picture says a thousand words, but it also create a good wave to the customers. A good photo advertisements need to deliver the brand’s message to the consumers. To utilise the advertisement, Im trying to make it as natural as possible, because the shoes is quite sporty and casual
Like this picture, Im trying to show that this shoes look casual, sporty and streetwear. Behind this picture, there is a person who’s suffer hahaha. But it was worth it! The camera that we used is a Sony E73. The shoot that we took was around Arab streets,
Source: Author's Photograph
Another pictures that I took is this one, Despite the presence of the other elements, Im using my friend as a model and the focal point will be the shoes. To take this picture you need to use the right lens, and include the complementary elements, and consider your target audience. Because I want to attract student, from 20 years old to 25. (Picture 5 and 6)
All the picture, and the edited picture will all uploaded in my Portfolio post,
Check my work on my website
Click the link here!!!
And tell me what you think :)
I see you next time, readers!!