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Self Development - Visual Merchandising

Updated: Nov 7, 2019

Hi unapologetic girl is back, and for this self development blog. I’ll share to you my experiences on how to make a visual merchandising.

For this project I’ve created a concept for two store, which are De Javu Vintage and CYC store. De ja vu is a store who sell a vintage clothes and accessories, for more information you can click here.

and CYC is finest tailoring in Singapore, check here for more blog post and information about their store history

For De Javu Vintage we have created a visual merchandising for the whole store, it inspired by the greatest movie by Wes Anderson which is The Grand Hotel Budapest. My group choose this concept because of the ambience of the store matching with the Grand Hotel Budapest movie.

Different with CYC concept we have created a concept called “Fresh Off The Press”

Mainly focus on the vibes of gentleman, office, and Newspaper. For this CYC store we need to create two design in total, one is for their store in Fullerton and the other one is their new store in Capitol Piazza.

After through some up and down with the concept, Our concept “Fresh Off The Press” got chosen, and its not it. We need to do more research and create a lots of mock up to please the client.

Is it easy? No it is not, because its really hard to conceptualise something based on merchandise. I tried but I would say that this is the most challenging project, due to the limitation of time and money. the budget that we have is $1000 for each store, and we only have one week to prepare everything.

I learned a lot of things on this project, such as drawing design and plans by computer, using the limited space and lighting creatively, making the best use of the store space, and sourcing the right place to create the props.

From this project I’ve realised that visual merchandising is not the right field for me, why? I have lack of imagination, and creativity. I don’t really good with designing especially 3D, But I’ve tried. This project has force and challenge me to do something different, and again surprisingly I can get through that.

I believe as long as I work hard, and willing to try. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. IM POSSIBLE!

Here's the picture of the 3D design that I’ve create for The De Ja Vu Vintage

Here's the picture of the design that I’ve create for The CYC Stores



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