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Updated: Nov 7, 2019

Hello readers,

Unapologetic girl is back!!!!

If you read my blog post before, you must have idea what I’m gonna talk about in this blog post!

And yes Im going to talk about my experiences “working” and volunteering in fashion pulpit store.

This event is held by Funan We work @level 4. On that day I doesn’t have any expectation. I felt that it was just a pop store, how hard it could be. Well that’s what I thought. But when I reached there, oh man! It was bigger than I thought! The pop up store is almost half of the place!!! OMG, I know right! That’s crazy. But from here I still doesn’t get it, ok another thought in my mind. How could possibly wrong, and how many people would be here? Like it just pop up store right?

Ok, back to the pop up store! Raye the founder of the fashion pulpit, was explaining the section of the store, so basically his team has divided the clothes into different section, like tops, bottoms, dress, and branded clothes. This brand also has special section that made only for men swapper due to the limited mens swapper in Singapore. Before further due I will show you some of the pictures of the pop up stores

Source: Author's Photograph

These all the pictures that I took before the swappers are coming, and still I have no idea how many people that will come.

Around 12.00pm people started to coming in, and they started to queue. Honestly? Im a lil bit nervous, I doesn’t really have much experiences on retail assistant. :) butttttttt!!!!

This volunteer experience has changed my mind WORKING AS RETAIL ASSISTANT IS NOT EASY AT ALL!! *So every time you go inside a clothing store don’t just go and mess up the clothes, at least put it back or give it back to the retail assistant.

Im volunteering from 11.30 to 7.00pm and it was AMAZING, FUN, AND TIRING!! THERE WAS SO MUCH PEOPLE IN THIS POP UP STOREE!! IM SO PROUD OF THIS BRAND! I didn’t expect that so many Singaporean are this excited of this swapping thing. BUT YES IM WRONG!!! They’re supper excited and I can see that they’re pretty supportive to doing this campaign, buying less clothes, and more swapping!

Source: Author's Photograph

I believe that I can be sustainable too. It seems pretty interesting and fun. Looking at other people that swapping clothes. Become the part of this event is such a pleasure, looking at the way consumers thing has change my mind about fashion, environment, and how important is SUSTAINABILITY.

A little step, couldn’t go wrong.

Became the part of this movement, it was a crazy experiences. It also give me the idea of how big the sustainable community in Singapore, that I believe can help me with my final graduation works!

well, that’s all for this blogs!

I feel that I’m too excited and write too much words in this blogs! SO I WILL END IT HERE! I SEE YOU ON MY NEXT BLOG POSTT!!!



Post: Blog2_Post
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